
Cluster Munition Remnants

Anti-Personnel Mines

  • Article 5 deadline

    1 March 2026

  • Performance


Performance Criterion Score
Understanding of anti-personnel mine contamination (20% of overall score) 4
National ownership and programme management (10% of overall score) 3
Gender (10% of overall score) 5
Information management and reporting (10% of overall score) 5
Planning and tasking (10% of overall score) 5
Land release system (20% of overall score) 5
Land release outputs and Article 5 compliance (20% of overall score) 4
Performance score 4.4

Key Developments

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) started survey and clearance operations in Senegal with funding from the European Union, the first clearance in Senegal for five years. Mines Advisory Group (MAG) received organisational accreditation. Agreement between the government and MDFC separatists on surrendering weapons contributed to improved security and opened access for deminers. A workshop organised by MAG in December 2022 led to agreement on strengthening information management and revising and updating the land release process, including non-technical survey (NTS) standards and procedures.

Recommendations for action

  • Senegal should state definitively whether mines remain around the Djirak or other military bases and provide detailed plans for clearing any remaining mined areas around military bases.
  • Senegal should expedite adoption of evidence-based NTS to establish an accurate baseline estimate of the extent and location of anti-personnel (AP) mine contamination.
  • The Government of Senegal should demonstrate commitment to its Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) obligations by making national funding and resources available for demining.
  • The Senegalese National Mine Action Centre (CNAMS) should report results of survey and clearance of AP mined area separately from battle area.
  • Senegal should provide details of the arrangements and capacity available for tackling current and residual contamination identified after completion.

Download the full "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Senegal

Click here to download the "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Senegal.