Western Sahara

Western Sahara is contaminated with anti-personnel mines and cluster munition remnants.

Cluster Munition Remnants

Anti-Personnel Mines
  • Performance

    Not Applicable

Recommendations for Action

  • The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) should reaffirm its written commitment to respect and implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), including clearance of all cluster munition remnants (CMR), consonant with its international human rights obligations. This commitment should include annual submission of voluntary Article 7 transparency reports.
  • The Saharawi Mine Action Coordination Office (SMACO) should draft a new strategy, including a new deadline for completion of clearance of CMR with annual survey and clearance targets, along with a detailed budget.
  • Greater support should be provided to the SMACO to enable it to continue to coordinate mine action in Western Sahara, east of the Berm, and to ensure that capacity development efforts are not wasted.
  • Mine action in Western Sahara must not become forgotten or overlooked by the international community. Support must be given to address remaining mine, CMR, and other explosive ordnance contamination.

Download the full 2023 report for Western Sahara

Click here to download the full "Clearing Cluster Munition Remnants 2023" report for Western Sahara.