
Cluster Munition Remnants

Anti-Personnel Mines

  • Article 5 deadline

    31 December 2025

  • Performance


Performance Criterion Score
Understanding of anti-personnel mine contamination (20% of overall score) 7
National ownership and programme management (10% of overall score) 6
Gender (10% of overall score) 4
Information management and reporting (10% of overall score) 7
Planning and tasking (10% of overall score) 7
Land release system (20% of overall score) 7
Land release outputs and Article 5 compliance (20% of overall score) 5
Performance score 6.2

Key Developments

Türkiye (formerly known as Turkey) published a strategic plan for 2020–25 setting out five broad goals, including clearance of all mined areas, but this was superseded in February 2021 by its request for a three-year and nine-month extension of its Article 5 deadline until the end of 2025. This interim extension, which was granted at the Nineteenth Meeting of States Parties (19MSP) to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APBMC) in 2021, is for non-technical survey (NTS) of all mined areas. Türkiye expects this survey to result in cancellation of up to a quarter of estimated contamination as well as provide the basis for a final extension request in order to fulfil Türkiye’s Article 5 obligations.

In 2022, Türkiye was able to increase land release considerably compared to 2021. This was mainly due to progress under the Phase III of Türkiye’s Eastern Borders Mine Clearance Project (EBMCP), which began in June 2021, as well as improved security at the border with Syria. Release of areas along Türkiye’s border with Armenia was completed.

Recommendations for Action

  • Alongside extensive planned NTS and expectations of substantial cancellation of hazardous areas, Türkiye should accelerate clearance, which is unacceptably low.
  • Türkiye should provide details of plans to address the small amount of contamination reported in non-border areas.
  • Türkiye’s obligations under the APMBC require it to implement and report on mine clearance in territory it controls in northern Cyprus and northern Syria. This is because Article 5 of the Convention obligates every State Party to survey and clear all areas under its jurisdiction “or control”.
  • Türkiye should set out plans to promote gender and inclusion in mine action.

Download the full "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Türkiye

Click here to download the "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Türkiye.