Sri Lanka

Cluster Munition Remnants

Anti-Personnel Mines

  • Article 5 deadline

    1 June 2028

  • Performance


Performance Criterion Score
Understanding of anti-personnel mine contamination (20% of overall score) 7
National ownership and programme management (10% of overall score) 7
Gender (10% of overall score) 7
Information management and reporting (10% of overall score) 5
Planning and tasking (10% of overall score) 8
Land release system (20% of overall score) 7
Land release outputs and Article 5 compliance (20% of overall score) 8
Performance score 7.1

Key Developments

Despite the financial and political crisis that gripped the country in 2022, Sri Lanka managed to increase its clearance output from the previous year and, in 2023, launch its “National Mine Action Completion Strategy for 2023–2027”, which provides a roadmap to the fulfilment of Sri Lanka’s Article 5 obligations by the end of 2027. Sri Lanka is one of the few States Parties with large-scale contamination that is on course to complete clearance by the initial deadline set down in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC).

Recommendations for Action

  • In accordance with its National Mine Action Completion Strategy for 2023–2027, Sri Lanka should implement the “completion process” without delay, which includes ongoing non-technical survey (NTS) to identify previously unknown contamination, survey and clearance of registered hazardous areas, and the completion survey that will allow the government to declare released administrative areas as complete.
  • Sri Lanka should update and adopt its national mine action standards (NMAS) without further delay.
  • Greater efforts should be made to ensure that the national database is up to date and accurate.
  • NMAC should establish an in-country forum/platform to bring together all relevant national and international stakeholders regularly to discuss progress and challenges in Article 5 implementation and help strengthen coordination.

Download the full "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Sri Lanka

Click here to download the "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Sri Lanka.