
Cluster Munition Remnants

Anti-Personnel Mines

  • Article 5 deadline

    1 March 2009

  • Performance

    Not Applicable

Recommendations for Action

  • Mali should seek a new Article 5 deadline in order to return to compliance with the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC).
  • Mali should submit an Article 7 transparency report and provide other States Parties with an updated assessment of anti-personnel (AP) mine contamination (including mines of an improvised nature) and action to address it.
  • Mali should set up a national mine action centre (NMAC) to coordinate a systematic humanitarian response to explosive hazards. In October 2023, the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) claimed that progress was being made towards the establishment of an NMAC.
  • When circumstances allow, Mali should develop a civilian mine clearance capacity in addition to the military counter-improvised explosive device (IED) operations.
  • Mali’s mine action sector should apply the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) relating to survey and distinguish between non-technical survey (NTS) and community visits.

Download the full "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Mali

Click here to download the "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Mali.